Winterdances Festival Osteria Mediterranea

Dancing all night long with an empty stomach? not on my watch!

Osteria Mediterranea is a cultural residency, offered to a performing artist preferably from a Mediterranean country.

The artists are hosted in a beautiful historic wooden house in the village of Loviisa (on the coast 80km from Helsinki) for a minimum period of 10 days: the residency gives the opportunity to explore their personal creative process and/or share it with the community of local artists. During the residency, the guest artist is able to use every morning the studio of the local Loviisa Dance Institute.

In exchange for the residency, the guest artist is asked to lead folk dance workshops for dance enthusiasts (max 20 participants per class).

And when comes the time to rest, the participants can enjoy some delicacy and traditional food from that same country during a pop-up restaurant. What is the next destination?

This residency, would not be possible without the support of Loviisa’s city and the local Loviisa Dance Institute.


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