Inner Core

“InnerCore” is a site-specific performance where 4 dancers, in different rooms, with different environments representing different historical periods, are performing a looped choreography slightly transformed per each performer.
Those 4 different solos are based on stories of well know characters (from literature and history) and developed through the issue of exposing the femininity/masculinity in the human behaviour: 4 female characters with different sensitivity that represent opposed emotions even performing similar choreographies.

The reiteration of the same movements in different locations and performed by different dancers, indicate how the issue about women's rights has not been resolved yet.
What women were not allowed to do in the past? What women are still not allowed to do in our time?


Saturday 6.4.2019
Loviisa City Museum

Idea and Choreography: Beniamino Borghi
Performer: Marttaleena Nikkari, Nadja Pärssinen, Xavier Bambù Locquet Vandenberghe and Beniamino Borghi
Assistant Choreographer: Amandine Doat
Music: Kalle Katz
Costumes: Frida Hultcrantz
Photos: Temu Sìlvan

Production: tanssiARTesaani
In Collaboration with: Loviisa City Museum and TransFolk Festival 2018-19

Supporter: Finnish Cultural Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre

Thanks to: Loviisan Tanssiopisto

Almost all pictures from Teemu Silván

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