Winterdances Festival – 2024

Sunday 25.2.2024

Open Level Workshops 

Meijeri (Chiewitzinkatu 13)

09:30 – 10:30 = Body Reset class with the resident artist Sabina Moe

(16 y.o. – Adults). 10 € Adults – 8 € Children

Body reset tones and massages the body focusing on undoing our daily grind. Reset your neck, hips, and core from a day dancing, playing sports, or working all day at the computer.

10:30 – 11:30 = Acro-Dance class with the resident artist Luis Nunez

beginners (12 y.o. – Adults). 10 € Adults – 8 € Children

The discipline of acro dance takes shape as a harmonious fusion of acrobatic elements and dance movements derived from various styles, converging into dynamic sequences and improvisations.


Kumppanuustalo Kulma (Sibeliuksenkatu 3)

11:30 – 14:30 = Performing Arts engaging Communities

A discussion for professionals in the Culture, the Education and the Welfare sectors about Community Dance Project. The discussion will be led by Riina Hannuksela, researcher in the field at the University of the Arts – Helsinki.


Kino Marilyn (Kuningattarenkatu 17)

15:00 – 16:30 = Live Performances and Film Screenings for all ages

15 € Adults – 7 € Children

The dance film trilogy GEN-Z stars young artists Sofia Johansson, Vappu
Virkkula and Minttu Heinonen with Down Syndrome. It consists of three short dance films:
MustA (Sofia Johansson), Pinkki (Minttu Heinonen) ja Sininen (Vappu Virkkula).
The movie project is a collaborative endeavour by Riina Hannuksela and Elisa Lejeune,
facilitators of Dance Company Ihanat, and the dance artist and movie director Kati Kallio.
At its core, the project focuses on empowering young dancers to engage in every aspect of
the creative process, from the script writing to performance. 
GEN-Z enriches our perception of this particular generation Z by spotlighting dancers who
seldom have the opportunity to depict their cohort. These films portray these dancers in the
light they choose, aiming to dismantle stereotypes about dancers with disabilities and
provide relatable role models, particularly for young individuals like Vappu, Sofia, and Minttu.
Vappu and Sofia have built solo works around the films, which together form Gen Z –
Portraits. In this performance, the film characters come to life on stage!

Z-polvi – Muotokuvia | GEN Z – Dance Film Trilogy:
Koreografia ja tanssi | Choreography and Dance: Vappu Virkkula, Sofia Johansson, Minttu
Ohjaus ja leikkaus | Direction and Editing: Kati Kallio

Tanssijoiden ohjaus ja tanssi | Direction of the Dancers and Dance: Riina Hannuksela, Elisa
Kuvaus | Cinematography: Mika Ailasmäki, Kati Kallio
Pukusuunnittelu | Costume Designer: Riitta Röpelinen
Maskeeraus | Make Up Artist: Leila Mäkynen
Sävellys | Composition: Aarne Riikonen
Äänisuunnittelu | Sound Design: Janne Laine
Tuotanto | Production: Kati Kallio ja Tanssiryhmä Ihanat
Tukijat ja sponsorit | Supporters, sponsors:
Taiteen edistämiskeskus | Arts Promotion Centre
Suomen Kulttuurirahaston Uudenmaan rahasto | Finnish Cultural Foundation Uusimaa
Kehitysvammatuki 57 ry
Kamerafirma | The Camera House
Valofirma | The Light House

Z-polvi – Muotokuvia/ GEN Z – Portraits:
Koreografia ja tanssi: Sofia Johansson ja Vappu Virkkula
Tanssijoiden ohjaus: Riina Hannuksela ja Elisa Lejeune
Musiikki: Aarne Riikonen

‘”In Flesh And Blood” by Tanssiartesaani

Dance performance with 3 dancers on the classical music of Smetana. The performance deals with topics related to ages and the contraposition between young and old, active and passive.The choreographic research is about the collisions between different generations and different cultural backgrounds and how those can create interesting discordances.

Idea: Beniamino Borghi
Choreography: Beniaminmo Borghi and the Dancers
Dance: Sabina Moe, Luis Nunes, Leo Terävä and with Bambu, Beniamino Borghi, Marttaleena Nikkari
Production: Tanssiartesaani
In collaboration with: Art in Lov Residency Program

Thanks to Loviisan Tanssiopisto, Brita Maria Renlund, Aktia.

“In Flesh And Blood” and the festival was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
With the support of: Goethe institut – “Culture moves Europe” founded by the European Union, Loviisan Taiteen Tukiyhdistys, Konstsamfundet, Loviisa Kaupunki, Svenska Kulturfonden, Loviisan Tanssiopisto.

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